About HRTeamware™

Automation. Collaboration. Focus.

HRTeamware™ is a cloud-based HR automation platform that makes it easy to manage 10, a thousand or even tens of thousands of employees across different geographical sites and timezones!

Benefits include:

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    A flexible and powerful scheduling, leaves and time and attendance engine providing you with accurate, to-the-second attendance attribution and reports.

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    Integrate with your existing timekeeping systems protecting and extending the usable life of your hardware investments.

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    Includes a collaboration feature that allows employees to create events, To-Do's and project schedules and teams.

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    Provides a comprehensive Application Programming Interface (API) or hooks that allow third-party systems, such as your corporate financial systems to update and retrieve data from your HRTeamware™ instance for seamless integration.

Using HRTeamware™ means accurate pay attribution and easy scheduling and leaves management. This also means your HR Team can focus on other important HR tasks!